Its development environment includes simulators and. YASP: Educational processor's IDE v.1.0 YASP (Yet Another Simple Processor) is a 8-bit microprocessor with microcontroller capabilities (I/O ports, REQ, ACK) that can be used as a small computer for educational purposes.It also provides a generic Multidimensional Data Structure for manipulation of the resulting MDX. XMLA Processor v.27 XMLA Processor is a set of Java classes that allows for generic access to XML/A services.The JAVA library XTP ( XML Template Processor ) fills report templates (created by designers) with raw data (in XML.
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XML Template Processor v.2.06 XML-based ISO standards for documents (OOXML, ODF, XHTML.Processor Interface for XML Inclusions v.rc Processor Interface for XML Inclusions (PIXI) is an implementation of the W3C XInclude Recommendation in.LyX - The Document Processor v.86 LyX is a document processor that encourages an approach to writing based on the structure of your documents (WYSIWYM) and not simply their appearance.
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JPACS:Java Processor and Cache Simulator v.1.0 JPACS, Java Processor and Cache Simulator, was developed to give a simple and clear tool to simulate a processor with a complete associative memory cache at ISA level, using direct memory access or using a program written in.FastSim - Memoized Processor-Simulator v.1.0 FastSim consists of:- 'Facile' a highly flexible and expressive processor-architecture specification-language.- A compiler for the specifications which produces high-performance, fast-forwarding.It uses AuthorizeNets payment gateway to perform the transactions, which means you will need an. Aloha Credit Card Processor v.1.1 Aloha Credit Card Processor is a credit card processing solution, which allows you to perform an Authorization, Capture, Charge, Credit or Void.It makes the following changes to an existing Photoshop 7.0.1 installation:Modifies many Photoshop operations to. Adobe Photoshop G5 Processor Plug-in v.1.0.4 Adobe Photoshop G5 Processor Plug-in is designed to optimize Adobe Photoshop 7.0.1 for use with the Apple Power Macintosh G5 processor.With Network Booster you're only minutes away from a faster, better browsing experience! Network Booster v.1.0 Network Booster is a powerful FREE utility designed specifically for Mac.